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“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

Anais Nin




I offer my life experience, an open heart and my commitment to support clients as they work to heal, grow and create new possibilities for love and purpose in their lives. I believe that taking the time to truly know yourself is the best investment you can make in your own future.  Areas of work may include:  








Most of us long for a safe harbor with our partner where we can feel loved, protected and accepted as we are.  Sometimes mistakes, past wounds or emotional blocks cause us to lose our connection. I work with couples to deepen communication and understanding and to build empathy and trust.  Additional areas of work may include: 








Families and Adolescents (over 12):

The definition of "Family" is unlimited and includes parent-child (including adult children), siblings, extended family, step family, etc. I work to heal relationships, build connection and foster positive communication and acceptance within families.  


Being a teenager is not easy and being the parent of a teenager is not easy.  I work to help family members understand their unique system and the role each member plays. By doing so, they can identify what is working and discover new possibilities to replace what is not working.  I am also a Certified College Counselor and offer guidance and support to teens as they begin to conceptualize life after high school. Additional areas of focus may include:







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